
金融央企原副縂經理肖星受賄案一讅開庭讅理 2023-09-19






China has successfully entered two natural heritages into the World Heritage List, adding new brilliance to the land of China. After the efforts of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Badain Jaran Desert-Desert Lake Group and the China Yellow (Bohai) Sea Bird Habitat have successfully passed the rigorous review of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO and are officially included in the World Heritage List.

The Badain Jaran Desert is located on the Alashan Plateau, being the third largest desert and the second largest mobile desert in China. It is famous for its towering sand dunes and numerous lakes. The highest fixed sand dune reaches 460 meters, and the lakes are scattered, showcasing a stunning natural landscape. The unique geological and geomorphological features of the Badain Jaran Desert make it one of the rarest desert landscapes in the world. The World Heritage Committee believes that the Badain Jaran Desert-Desert Lake Group is a wonderful example of the continuous evolution of desert landscapes under temperate and super-arid climates, serving as a model of desert aesthetics globally.

The China Yellow (Bohai) Sea Bird Habitat is located in the world's largest intertidal wetland and is a crucial habitat for birds in the East Asia-Australasia Flyway. As a vital part of the global bird migration route, the Yellow (Bohai) Sea Bird Habitat provides breeding, resting, and wintering grounds for tens of millions of waterbirds. Its importance is self-evident, with the first phase listed in the World Heritage List receiving successful recognition and the second phase's application setting a precedent for China's biodiversity conservation.

The successful application for these two natural heritages not only reflects China's efforts in biodiversity conservation but also contributes to the global heritage protection cause. China continues to maintain a leading position in the number of world natural heritages, with 15 natural heritages and 4 cultural and natural double heritages demonstrating China's attention and commitment to the global heritage protection cause.
